The SnowPro Core Recertification exam is available for candidates with an active SnowPro Core exam but is expiring within 6 months.
By passing the SnowPro Core Recertification exam, a candidate's SnowPro Core Certification’s status will extend an additional 2 years from the date of passing the recertification exam.
Candidates must hold a valid SnowPro Core Certification at the time they take the recertification exam to be eligible for the SnowPro Core Recertification exam.
This recertification exam shares the same exam guide as the SnowPro Core Certification.
SnowPro FAQs
Learning Tracks
Snowflake Education Services includes Instructor-Led Training, SnowPro Certifications, and this online, on-demand educational courses website. Our on-demand courses are branded as "Snowflake University." Snowflake University (aka Uni) offers a badge program called Hands-On Essentials as well as other courses.