Snowflake's SnowPro Certification exams are delivered through Pearson Vue, and can be taken at any of the 1000+ testing centers located globally or remotely in your home with a virtual proctor.
As a participant of the SnowPro Certification program, candidates are required to review and accept Snowflake's Certification Terms & Conditions during the registration process. Failure to agree to these terms will not allow you to register for any Snowflake exam.
Creating a Snowflake Certification Portal Account
Go to the Snowflake Certification Portal.
Complete the required information.
An account verification email will be sent to your Certification account email address to validate your account.
Click the link in the "Snowflake Certification Portal - New Account Verification" email.6
Create a password for your account and login.
Registering for a Snowflake Exam at Pearson Vue
Login to your Snowflake Certification Portal account.2
Click SCHEDULE AND MANAGE EXAMS and navigate to "Eligible Exams".3
Select the certification exam and click "Register and Schedule". This will navigate you to Pearson Vue.4
Choose the delivery option (online or at a test center), date, and time you want to take the exam.5
Complete registration to schedule your exam.6
Confirm the appointment is appearing in your certification portal account under Scheduled Appointments.
Registering for a Snowflake Unproctored Exam at Pearson Vue
Login to your Snowflake Certification Portal account.
Click SCHEDULE AND MANAGE EXAMS and navigate to "Eligible Exams"
Select the unproctored exam and click "Register and Schedule". This will navigate you to Pearson Vue.
Read the additional information regarding the unproctored exam.5
Complete the registration steps.6
Confirm the appointment is appearing in your certification portal account under Scheduled Appointments.
Please note that you will have 24 hours to launch and complete your unproctored exam.
Pearson Vue ID Requirements
Pearson Vue Identification (ID) Requirements
Pearson Vue Japan Identification (ID) Requirements
Online Proctoring or at a Test Center
Can't decide between going into a testing center or taking the exam at home with an online proctor? Review the differences: Pearson Vue's Tips & Tricks for test-takers