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DORA Auto-Grader

 To use the DORA Auto-grader you need to run two set up scripts.  You'll run an API Integration set-up script once per Snowflake account. You'll also need to run a script that creates a function called GRADER. 

If you'd like to, you can watch the 5 minute step-by-step video and follow along. If you have previous database experience, you won't probably need to watch the video. 

Demo Video of GRADER Setup Process


Run this code once per Snowflake Trial Account.

use role accountadmin;
create or replace api integration dora_api_integration api_provider = aws_api_gateway api_aws_role_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::321463406630:role/snowflakeLearnerAssumedRole' enabled = true api_allowed_prefixes = ('');


use role accountadmin;

create or replace external function util_db.public.grader(        
 step varchar     
 , passed boolean     
 , actual integer     
 , expected integer    
 , description varchar) 
 returns variant 
 api_integration = dora_api_integration 
 context_headers = (current_timestamp, current_account, current_statement, current_account_name) 
 as ''  

This is the image alt text.

Troubleshooting the Grader

If you cannot find your integration or grader, consider some of the options below.

This is the image alt text.